The Ideal Way among dynamic structures of the body
SoDoh (So: small, Doh: step) means a small stance. It is a very arduous, hard, difficult pose like a bull/cow works. It shapes a bull/cow plowing so it is also called “BattGarri (plowing).”
SoDoh is the ideal way among dynamic structures of the body to let one use his concentrated power naturally without any aftermath. It is also known as "SoDoh Se". * Keynote: One should train this stance a lot in order to be good at performing martial art in GiCheon. |
How to Do SoDoh
The Benefits
SoDoh intensifies power by generating NaeGi (inner Gi), mainly used for attack. It helps keep the Gi well circulated in JokGeun (Jok:foot, Geun:muscle) GyeongMaek, strengthening the urinary bladder, gall bladder, stomach, kidney, liver, and spleen. The hand position in this pose stimulates the lungs in SuEum (Su:hand, Eum:negative) GyeongRak (Gi channel) and the large and small intestine in SuYang (Su:hand, Yang:positive) GyeongRak.
It also helps improve physical reaction and dynamics of the power & mobility. |
Ways of Improving Internal Power